Mackeeper Pro

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MacKeeper Editor's Review

Keep your Mac running at peak performance with this must have all in one utility.

Com.mackeeper.MacKeeper.Helper.plist; com.mackeeper.AdwareAnalyzer.plist; Use the Go to Folder lookup feature again to navigate to the folder named /Library/LaunchAgents. When this path opens, look for the same entries (see above) and send them to Trash; Click the Go button again, but this time select Applications on the list.

If there's one thing I know, its that actually using your computer causes it to be cluttered with junk that can really bog down its performance. Junk files, duplicate files, internet cache and expanding log files can really cause problems over time. Unfortunately, all of this garbage is usually flung all over your Mac, making it very difficult to get rid of. This is where MacKeeper comes in. It’s a really great all in one utility that not only cleans your Mac, but makes certain that it runs as well as it can, all the time.

  1. MacKeeper sports a RAM cleaner tool that shows occupied memory in real time. By pressing “Clean memory” you flush the occupied memory slots, releasing some fresh memory. This, in theory, should unfreeze some memory-demanding program that has hung up.
  2. If you've had a Mac for a while, there's a good chance you've come across an ad for a software called Mackeeper. It's a Cleaning utility originally developed by Zeobit LLC which was acquired by Kromtech Alliance Corp, a German-based IT investment and development company, in 2015.

MacKeeper is an essential Mac utility that provides an easy way to manage routine tasks and keep your Mac secured, clean and running fast. It’s a bundled utility, meaning that it has modules that clean, secure, optimize and control your data; and it does it all in one, single utility.

Identity fraud is one of the worst crimes in the world. When someone steals your identity, its hard to buy things or to keep your credit clean (so you can buy something later, like a car, house, or other big purchase. With MacKeeper, real time, safe browsing allows you to surf the internet and make online purchases without worrying about malicious websites. They're blocked automatically. The app also provides built in anti-virus protection. This protection also extends to VM emulators running Windows through Parallels or VMWare. You're Mac is kept safe regardless of what OS you happen to be using on it, which is pretty cool.

Further security protection is provided by MacKeeper's Anti-Theft module. If your Mac is ever stolen, Anti-Theft can track its geographical location based on Wi-Fi and IP address; and then report its location back to you. It can also then use the iSight camera to take a picture of the thief. This is some of the most thorough computer security available for your Mac.

MacKeeper's data control features also provide you with protection features to help keep your information private. If you like, you can use its Data Encryptor module to hide your files using a password so that the data can't be found using either Finder OR Terminal. Its going to require some major hacking to get past that level of security, without the password, that is.

For data that gets accidentally deleted, you can use MacKeeper's File Recovery module to scan your hard drive for deleted files that can sill be recovered (provided the disc space they were using hasn't been overwritten with other data, that is). For when you need to truly erase data and make certain that it can't be recovered, MacKeeper's File Shredder can make certain that the files and folders you delete can't be recovered. The one thing that you need to be aware of here is that shredding files with a military style wipe can take a lot of time. Be ready to commit to that; but if you need the files securely wiped, MacKeeper can do a really great job of insuring that they are truly erased.

MacKeeper can also help you optimize your Mac. Update Tracker analyzes all of the apps you have installed on your Mac and then checks to see if an updated version is available. If found, MacKeeper can download and install the new version for you. In order to help you keep your Mac working at peak performance, MacKeeper can analyze which apps run as login items and then allow you to control which apps do and do not start up with the system when it boots.

However, I think the best part of MacKeeper is its Geek on Demand Service and its new, Human Assistance. With Geek on Demand, you get expert technical assistance and answers to your computing questions within 48 hours. Human Assistance gives you instant access to a live tech. I wish I had more information on it, but all that is currently available is a teaser on their current website. There should be more information available as soon as their new site hits the 'net.

App Pro’s: Affordable, all in one utility, provides a quick and easy way to get your Mac back to peak performance

App Con’s: Cleaning can take some time, depending on how dirty your Mac is, apps/ modules for each utility type may need to be separately installed

Conclusion: MacKeeper really sets the bar for Mac cleaning and all in one utilities. It pretty much handles everything that you'd need an all in one utility to handle and it does it fairly well. The one thing that is both good and bad about the app is that the only module(s) that come activated are the cleaning apps, and then only the basic ones. If you want to use some of the other utilities – Internet Security or Backup – for example, , you're going to have to install the utility. I guess this is a good thing, as you may already have an internet security product installed, and installing another by default with MacKeeper may really make a mess of your Mac.

Initially, I had almost 7.0GB of junk files on my Mac. While this gave me 7.0GB more space, the deletion of all of the cache files slowed some browsing functions down, as Safari and Chrome had to redownload some things again to speed the browsing experience back up. Its give and take with some of this stuff, and cache files, while potentially space hogs can really make your computer run faster.

If you've had a Mac for a while, there's a good chance you've come across an ad for a software called Mackeeper. It's a Cleaning utility originally developed by Zeobit LLC which was acquired by Kromtech Alliance Corp, a German-based IT investment and development company, in 2015. You can check out their website by clicking the button below:

Mackeeper has been under some heavy criticism in the Apple community for advertising heavily. In this post, I'll review the tool itself and uncover some of the truths about Mackeeper that will help you decide if it's worth your money or not.

Is Mackeeper a “virus”?

Mackeeper parent company, Kromtech Alliance Corp, advertise their products heavily. That advertising includes annoying popups that sometimes start downloading mackeeper automatically to the user's computer. For this reason, many people label it as a virus that is sneakily trying to install itself on their Macs.

The truth is, even if the download automatically starts from a popup, you can still cancel it. If you don't manage to cancel it, the software won't install itself on your Mac unless you open the .dmg file and install it yourself.

Yes, those are seriously aggressive marketing tactics and I think Kromtech should rethink their marketing strategy but I won't call mackeeper a virus just because of that. It is not a virus/scam. It's just that the parent company is notorious for its aggressive advertising campaigns.

Why is Mackeeper disliked in the Apple community?

We live in an age where we'll believe just about anything we read on the internet. Most of the people who bash mackeeper haven't tried it. They just read a negative forum/blog post about it and believe Mackeeper to be whatever the post says. This kind of a chain effect continues and coupled with Kromtech's aggressive advertising, gives Mackeeper a bad name in the Apple community.

This is why I decided to get a license myself and test it out myself on my Mac. Below is my impartial review of some of the tools Mackeeper has.

I also worked out a deal with the Kromtech guys. They've hooked me up with a 66% percent discount on the 2-year plan. That means you can save $240 if you buy it using the link below. It's not just for the 2-year plan though, the discount applies to all plans, even the smallest one.

Now, on with the actual review…

Installation is pretty simple. You download the .dmg file, open it, and follow the on-screen instructions.

Here is how the main screen looks:

Mackeeper Promo Code

Memory Cleaner:

My Mac has 4 gigs of memory and sometimes it struggles to give the best performance due to lack of memory. Running Mackeeper every now and then helps me free up some RAM and that comes in real handy. I just ran the memory cleaner and managed to free almost 400MB of RAM.

Mackeeper Promotion Code

Duplicate Finder:

The duplicates finder detects file copies that take up hard disk space on your Mac. It groups such identical files even if they were renamed so that you can decide to delete them or transfer them to an external storage device to free up hard disk space on your Mac.

You can also group the duplicate files by file types. For example, clicking on “video” tab in the duplicates finder module will only show duplicate video files. Here's a screenshot of the duplicates finder screen:

Smart Uninstaller:

This is a nice handy tool to uninstall apps from your mac properly. Just deleting apps from the “Applications” folder is not enough. This is where Mackeeper comes in. It shows you a list of apps you can choose to uninstall from. Then after uninstalling it, it scans your entire hard disk for leftover files associated to that app and removes them. This not only saves storage space but also helps with the performance of your mac.

Login Items:

This module simply shows you the list of apps that start with your mac. You can add or remove apps in your login items by clicking the + or sign.

Disk Usage:

The disk usage module scans your hard disk and lists all files and folders present on it along with the size of the folder right next to its name. The folder size is displayed in 4 colors (red, orange, yellow, green) depending on the size of the folder.

Anti Theft:

Mackeeper Process Name

Mackeeper Pro

The anti-theft module serves two purposes. One, it prevents unauthorized access to your mac. Two, it helps you track your mac in case it gets stolen. You set it up once, and in case your mac gets stolen, you can use the web interface on mackeeper's website to track your Mac's location and even take a photo of the intruder/thief using your Mac's iSight camera.