A PS5 console or PS4 console is required for Remote Play.
With Remote Play, you can control your PlayStation® console remotely wherever you have a high-speed internet connection.
Using the [PS Remote Play] app, you can control your PlayStation®5 console or PlayStation®4 console from a device in a different location.
For example, you can use a computer in another room or a smartphone* when you’re out to enjoy PS5™ and PS4™ games.
- *
- You can’t use Remote Play on your mobile device’s cellular data network. A high-speed Wi-Fi® network is required.

Streamlabs Ps4 Remote Play
- Iv'e been using Streamlabs OBS for a while now on my iMac. Capturing my PS4's gameplay through the use of Remote Play. But al of a sudden SLOBS doesn't see the Remote Play window anymore!? If I import a new Window Capture Source into a scene. You normally would be albe to select Remote play from the list, or type the name into the search-bar ontop.
- In this guide, you are going to use PS4 Remote play and StreamLabs OBS to set up your stream. Definitely usable and certainly more stable than the problems I had with remote play which would have weird artefacts, bad motion detection/update regions and a real pain with the controller configuration if you actually still wanted to game on the.
PS Remote Play is a free to use feature on all PS4 and PS5 consoles. All you need is: Your PS5 or PS5 Digital Edition, PS4 or PS4 Pro 2 connected to your home wired broadband network. A compatible device – also connected to your network. The free PS Remote Play app. A DUALSHOCK 4 wireless controller or DualSense controller 3. PS Remote Play is a free to use feature on all PS4 and PS5 consoles. All you need is: Your PS5 or PS5 Digital Edition, PS4 or PS4 Pro 1 connected to your home wired broadband network. A compatible device — also connected to your network. The free PS Remote Play app. A DUALSHOCK 4 wireless controller or DualSense controller 2.
The following are the different combinations of compatible devices and PlayStation consoles for using Remote Play. For instructions on downloading the app and getting started with Remote Play, go to one of the links below.
Control your PS5 console
How To Stream With Remote Play
Control your PS4 console
- Control your PS4 console from your PS Vita system*
- Control your PS4 console from your PS TV system*
- *
- With the [PS4 Link] app, you can remotely control your PS4 console with a PlayStation®Vita system or PlayStation®TV system.
Find out more about how to set up and use Remote Play on your systems in the PS Vita User’s Guide or the PS TV User’s Guide.
Excel 2013 activator. Depending on the content or how it’s used, Remote Play may not be available. For details, see “Restrictions”.
[PS Remote Play] Update Information
Windows PC version 4.1:
Stability during use of some features has been improved.
Mac version 4.1:
Stability during use of some features has been improved.
Mobile version:
Visit Google Play™ or the App Store for update information. Kkkg songs free download.
- Some games do not support Remote Play.
Games that require peripherals such as PlayStation®VR or PlayStation®Camera aren’t compatible with Remote Play. You can’t use Remote Play on your PS5 console or PS4 console in the following situations:
- When you’re using Share Screen or Share Play, or broadcasting your gameplay
- When users are using Remote Play, Share Play, or Share Screen, or broadcasting their gameplay
- When you’re playing a Blu-ray Disc™ or DVD
- When you’re using PS VR in VR mode
The following restrictions apply when using Remote Play:
- You can’t use Share Screen or Share Play, or broadcast your gameplay.
- You can’t play a Blu-ray Disc™ or DVD.
- You can’t play music with Spotify®.
- Some or all video content might not be displayed on your device depending on the game or video service.
- For details on audio input and output during Remote Play, visit our support website.
- This site is subject to change without notice.
- Screen images are composite images. Illustrations and screen images may vary from the actual product.
- Information about system functionality and images published on this site may vary depending on the PS5 or PS4 system software version or the version of the application installed on your computer or mobile device that’s in use.
- “”, “PlayStation”, “PS5”, “PS4” and “DUALSHOCK” are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.
- “SONY” is a registered trademark or trademark of Sony Group Corporation.
- App Store, iPad, iPhone, Mac and macOS are trademarks of Apple Inc. registered in the U.S. and other countries.
- The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.
- “Blu-ray Disc™” and “Blu-ray™” are trademarks of the Blu-ray Disc Association.
- Google Play and Android are trademarks of Google LLC.
- Intel and Intel Core are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or other countries.
- Spotify is a registered trademark of Spotify Ltd.
- Wi-Fi® is a registered trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance®.
- Other system and product names are generally trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

ASTRO’s PLAYROOM: ©2020 Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.
Horizon Zero Dawn: ©2017 Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe. Developed by Guerrilla.
I got the ps4 to actually stream to OBS directly. … All it highlights for me is what pains in the arse Sony are. Canons new G7x camera can also do rtmp, but they only supply a youtube config also limiting it to just that . Create a media source in obs that uses the RTMP provided by Red5. Heading over to the recording part, here are the steps to smoothly record PS4 gameplay on PC without capture card using OBS: 1- First and foremost, you have to install the PS4 Remote Play. Stream from your PS4(Xbox) to OBS directly, no capture card and without the dodgey remote play. These seem to be the steps covered. desa3579 desa3579. How to stream on YouTube with OBS; Method 1: Use the PS4’s Broadcast feature. Guide. Play your favorite games on PS5 and PS4 consoles, pause the action and switch to another device on your broadband network, without being tied to the TV. Sony announced that remote play feature is available for Windows 10 computer. The only thing is it won’t have mixer chat on the console , you’ll have to have the chat on your pc or phone or something. You're best off using a capture card, there are plenty of cheap options that do 1080 60 now, still helpful for people without the money to do so though! Edit hosts file with your current twitch ingest server and private ip address. In this guide, you are going to use PS4 Remote play and StreamLabs OBS to set up your stream. Definitely usable and certainly more stable than the problems I had with remote play which would have weird artefacts, bad motion detection/update regions and a real pain with the controller configuration if you actually still wanted to game on the console , and that was with 1Gbs ethernet. I guess the only thing is that you're having your playstation encode the video, then getting it into obs to encode again which will make you lose a substantial amount of sharpness and color data. From your Home screen, tap the Application screen icon. Close. It is the most widely used streaming software and best of all, it's free. Streaming Ps4 with OBS without Remote Play. Unless I missed it, I noticed that you must be using a different ingest server for OBS than the default picked otherwise OBS won't be sending your stream to twitch. Posted by 6 months ago. They could easily add a 'custom server' option to their list of streaming providers. Unlike Microsoft’s Xbox-One-to-PC streaming , the PS4’s Remote Play works over the Internet, not just your local network. Forums / Streaming / Recording / Equipment / Streaming Ps4 with OBS without Remote Play. Guide. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Free, open source live streaming and recording software for Windows, macOS and Linux, Press J to jump to the feed. I'm assuming that the processing time, transmission time, and any preview delay will affect the ability to play compared to some capture cards where there is no delay. The process is quite simple and all you need is an HDMI cable and a USB-C to USB-A cable. This way is really cool. Webcam of me streams fine, but the game (the bigger picture in a PIP setup) stutters tremendously. Install cc proxy making sure DNS requests are checked. With it, … Setting up to stream. The Twitch stream shows the same thing. Set your console's DNS servers to your computer. 79. This is a very interesting method to capture the console using Red5 server and a DNS proxy. Do keep in mind, the USB-C to USB-A cable needs to be USB 3.0 compliant. Looks great but I would write a script for this and read from it instead of winging it. The last paragraph is the million dollar question I have. If the OP us streaming PS4 to OBS through PS4 Remote play, you cannot speak to other players online. But to enjoy this feature, you need several pre-requisites such as WiFi connection with a minimum of 15 Mbps to download speed. How to Stream on PS4 Using Streamlabs OBS WITHOUT a Capture Card! Interesting technique. The Remote Play feature on PS4 is one of these things. The PS4 and PS4 Pro have a “broadcast” feature built into the operating system. The usual referred cards are made by AverMedia or Elgatofor usage with OBS an internal one would be best, so you cut down on the delay. Tap Video Quality for Remote Play and select an option. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The way I do is using a Window Capture through OBS Studio on the PS4 Remote Play app. One big question. To set the streaming quality for PS4 Remote Play. PS4 Remote Play is one of the best PlayStation 4 features. Can you help me, it won’t stream to twitch through obs but everything else is working, it’s stuck on starting, There will be delay with this method, the idea would still be to play on your actual TV. It wouldn't impact UX in the slightest. It’s now possible to connect your PS4 for your PC and play from the computer and use all the goodies that you can use in OBS. The quality loss isn't as bad as expected, I'm not sure what bitrate the console shoots up too but even on my wireless it still looks very good. The Remote Play itself runs flawlessly, the OBS though shows a significant lag with the video game but NOT the webcam filming me. Ezvid (for Windows) This free facecam and webcam recorder is a great text to speech and audio … You can either in OBS choose a ingest server for a different location or you can specify the ingest by IP Eg. Remote Play isn’t entirely new, as it’s always worked with certain Sony devices and you can use it to unofficially stream PS4 games to any Android device. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXcNR2agCe0. Just want to get it all set up in docker containers first if I can. Here's a video on how to do it if you are interested. So I’ve been streaming for awhile now but have been streaming through the PS4 system itself. desa3579 desa3579. We have to tell OBS Studio what it needs to record. If you turn your pc off/close ccproxy then you will need to change the dns back to the original settings on your console for it to work normally. 【How to Stream on PS4 with STREAMLABS OBS 2020】 Streamlabs OBS Tutorial #1 | NO CAPTURE CARD NEEDED!HOW TO STREAM On PS4 Using Streamlabs OBS in 2020. โปรแกรม OBS สำหรับถ่ายทอดสดลง Facebook 5. Yeah , switch has no streaming capability so there is nothing to trick, I set up using lan cable and my ps4 doesn’t connect for some reaosn. There are details I'm skipping over. PS Remote Play is available on Android smartphones and tablets, iPhone or iPad, Windows PC and Mac, as well as your PS5 and PS4 consoles. Without the sound echoing and having to mute desktop audio, how can I get desktop audio to pickup without making my stream echo-y. What I'm trying to achieve is getting remote-play up and running on my OBS, start streaming, then switch my monitor to HDMI and play the game through my PS4. It allows you to play your PS4 remotely, using different devices including PS Vita, Windows PC, Sony Xperia smartphones, or your Mac computer. Great info! You can see those steps below. Find and tap PlayStation > Connect to PS4 > Remote Play > Settings. Connect your console to a PC with a capture card or other capture device. From there, so long as you have a PS4 controller plugged into your computer, you should be good to go – just initiate a window capture from OBS to stream your PS4 via remote play. To do this you'll need to capture Remote Play client on your computer, and stream it with any software, like OBS. I'm going to try taking a whack at this with my Xbox One X and compare to the Companion App (Xbox's own LAN remote play app). Your OBS will not be able to stream to the same ingest server that your console was streaming too, in my case it was live-lhr.twitch.tv or ive-lhr03.twitch.tv . Sound is picked up in streamlabs for ps4 and party chat. Hi Matthew. Softwares required are OBS Studio & PS4 Remote Play. If you're attempting to use Remote Play on a PC or Mac from a different location to your PS4 over the internet, and you can't use Remote Play, or it's unstable, then you should check two things. You can play your favorites nearly anywhere. You can use Streamlabs OBS to seamlessly setup overlays and widgets for a professional looking stream in minutes. Yea, all this does is make your console stream to your pc, from there on OBS can stream to whatever you want. Archived. Configure it with your twitch streamkey. The info was great and your voice is awesome but you didn't sound as confident as you should be given how knowledgeable you obviously are on setting up this type of streaming/capture. From my experience using PS4 Remote Play and the Windows 10 Xbox App, your headset is connected to the PC, not your controller. How to Play PS4 on Laptop Without Remote Play. Yeah you are right about having to use a different ingest server for obs. On this tutorial I will show you how to live stream your PS4 game-play using Windows PC or Apple MAC without using a capture card. Install Red5. I wanted to ask, if anybody knows a way to stream ps4 gameplay with OBS without using Remote Play, as my Computer isn't able to run Remote Play (Win 7 x64). Also for those that use the preview window, I wonder what is the stream delay doing this? This stream was done using PS4 Remote Play and OBS Studio. within OBS – whatever you’re comfortable with. It’s is ridiculous isn’t it, Sony also produced an action camera the as300/x3000 that can live stream to rtmp years ago, and then locked it down to uplay only or some service that got discontinued. Stream from your PS4(Xbox) to OBS directly, no capture card and without the dodgey remote play. Though if one was intended to use this as their actual gameplay screen, you could throw the RTMP stream into VLC which should eliminate that extra delay as much as possible. Using Native Gaming Apps on Console Use an app available on the console to stream directly to the streaming platform (eg Twitch). You can add in a mic, facecam, overlays, etc. We recommend to you use a wired LAN cable for the connection between the PS4™ console and the Wi-Fi® router. The preview window will have delay, I wouldn't use this for playing while looking at OBS, I would still play on the TV. That way I can play the game with the best possible resolution and enjoy the game to my fullest, while also streaming via OBS so viewers can see the webcam/twitch alerts/etc. I got the stream up and running with my overlays and everything, but those watching the stream … From the video it seemed like there was a tiny but not insignificant delay, then there's the question of the OBS processing/preview delay you mentioned. Know what they 're really doing actually stream to a Mac, Windows,. To other players online platforms with Restream how to stream ps4 with obs without remote play if you do n't know what they 're doing.. Are OBS Studio what it needs to be USB 3.0 compliant to several platforms Restream. Players in a game tap video quality for PS4 and PS4 Pro have a card! Stream from your PS4, install the version 3.5 software update by going to Settings > system software update t.. At the moment up in the arse sony are key } as my.. 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