
Unfollow your unfollowers on Twitter & Instagram. Unfollow Today is a set of Android apps to find your unfollowers on Twitter and Instagram. Twitter Instagram. Unfollowspy aggregates your accounts statistical data after signing up. It will display metrics about how many people have followed or unfollowed your social media account in a simple graph format. This data is ideal for quickly keeping tabs on your social media growth. Apr 05, 2021 Unfollowspy is another mass unfollow Twitter account that you wouldn’t have to regret using. It also highlights the accounts that are not active or spammy and get rid of them from your account for good. It also gives you direct and live updates of the accounts that have unfollowed or followed you, which is again a bonus.


Uh oh! These people used to follow you, and now they don't. It's just that simple.

New Followers

Hey Look! New Followers! Give them a follow back and say hello at the same time.



Are people following you back? Are you following them back? Do you follow each other?


Look at unfollowers / new followers over time, starting when you sign up.

Not Following Me Back


Following someone can get old when you know they aren't following back. Easily look through, and unfollow the people who don't follow you back.

I'm Not Following Back


People will only follow you for so long without a follow back before they unfollow you. Keeping more followers is easy if you follow people back. Libri sekreti pdf download.

Unfollowspy App

We Follow Each Other

You followed them, they followed you, now you're following each other. Keepvid pro free. download full version. Make your social connections stronger by staying engaged with your mutual followers.

Who I've Blocked

Clicking that block button feels really good at the time. What about when things cool down? Look through the people you've blocked and decide if they are still worth blocking.

Who I've Muted

When people get active, it's easy to mute them. When you realize that you miss seeing their tweets, unmute them and bring them back into your timeline.

Pending Follow Requests

Private accounts are like private parties.. Ebook islam gratis. if you're name's not on the list your not getting in. Eventually you stop requesting to be part of the cool crowd.

Welcome to UnfollowSpy, Windows Phone’s most full-featured Twitter follower and unfollower tracking app. As the only one allowing you manage all of your Twitter accounts, UnfollowSpy is truly the best option!

Unfollowspy Instagram

Losing followers and want to find out who they are? UnfollowSpy can tell you who you, on multiple accounts! After discovering who unfollowed you, you even have the option to unfollow them right from the app.

However, if you want to keep track of who follows you as well, UnfollowSpy will tell you too! In addition, UnfollowSpy can tell you who doesn’t follow you back and which users you follow are inactive, truly allowing you to stay on top of your Twitter account.

Features of UnfollowSpy:

  • Smooth, clean user interface
  • Multiple account support, allowing you to track your followers and unfollowers for all of your Twitter accounts*
  • Show new followers and unfollowers
  • Show users who don’t follow you back and whom you don’t follow back
  • Show users whom you follow and who follow you
  • Show inactive users you follow*
  • Display your followers-to-following ratio, allowing you to see how many followers you have for each person you follow
  • Follow and unfollow users right from the app!*
  • Multi-select users, allowing you to follow or unfollow a group of people at once!*
  • Pin your accounts to your home screen to access them quickly!
  • Data accessed through Twitter-approved OAuth, making sure your information is secure
  • Ultrafast refresh, designed especially for speed and data management
  • Banner picture support, allowing the app to feel like the actual Twitter client
  • Download UnfollowSpy now to truly manage your Twitter account!
Instagram unfollowersSearchUnfollowSpy App Informations:
  • File Size: 3 MB
  • Ratings: 4.5 star
  • Prices: Free
  • Requires: Windows Phone 8
  • Download UnfollowSpy:UnfollowSpy

App Screenshots:

Language Support:

UnfollowSpy Application Requirements:

  • phone identity
  • owner identity
  • media playback
  • data services
  • SD card
  • movement and directional sensor
  • HD720P (720×1280)
  • WVGA (480×800)
  • WXGA (768×1280)