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  • The latest tweets from @MorningJoe.
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  • Trump wrote on Twitter on Saturday. He added: 'A lot of interest in this story about Psycho Joe Scarborough. So a young marathon runner just happened to faint in his office, hit her head on his.

Joe Scarborough responds to recent Twitter attacks from the president. Aired on.» Subscribe to MSNBC: de. MSNBC's Joe Scarborough slammed former attorney general William Barr for lying about foreign election interference. By Travis Gettys March 19, 2021 12:42AM (UTC).

Joe scarborough mika twitter

President Biden's White House continue to deny that there's a 'border crisis.' But whoever is in control over there must surely realize that they have a media/political crisis on their hands. Take Tuesday's Morning Joe. Joe Scarborough proceeded to unload on the administration's handling of the crisis, seething: 'The Biden administration right now, is the one that’s luring these children to the border!'

Scarborough began by accusing the Biden administration of 'luring' children to the border.


When Mika Brzezinski—loyal Biden soldier that she is—tried to push back, claiming the Biden administration is now sending the message that the border is closed, Scarborough emphatically shut her down: 'Nope. Not yesterday. Oh, no, if they’re up here, we’re not going to send them back, we’re just going to keep them there.'

Scarborough proceeded to make another point that he said others for some reason are not mentioning: that the Biden policy is 'unfair.' Scarborough described his experience as a congressman trying to help people in the US get their family members admitted to the country. He said it was a long, 'soul-crushing,' process that usually didn't work. In contrast, illegal immigrants are being admitted at the border.

Here's Joe unloading on Biden:


The United States of America now is sending a message to those children: if you journey across the desert, you make a long and dangerous trip, we’re going to let you in. And we’re going to let you in if you’re unaccompanied. And sometimes, and we’re going to find this out throughout the show, you can come in and we’re not going to even give you a court date.

So the administration right now, the Biden administration right now, is the one that’s luring these children to the border with the promise of being able to get in. So they can’t say, 'Oh, they’ve come all the way across the desert. We can’t just let them go back across the desert.' No, you can figure out a way, a humane way, a safe way, to transport them back home, I suspect.

Scarborough concluded by declaring that so long as the Biden administration's 'permissive' policies remain in place:

'There aren’t enough hotel rooms in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California to hold all of the migrants that are going to be coming.'

Scarborough's toughness must have shocked the liberal audience of MSNBC that has come to appreciate him condemning Trump and abandoning the GOP. The MSNBC host is trending on Twitter as angry liberals lash out against him.

Let's focus on Scarborough's opening point: that the Biden admin is 'luring' people to the border. That would imply that Biden isn't just passively permitting people to enter, but that his administration is actively encouraging people to enter the US illegally. Why would that be? Two possible explanations arise:

  • Biden is appeasing the substantial, far-left tranche of today's Democrat Party, or
  • More ominously, Biden and Democrats at large are willing to accept the short-term hit for their mishandling of the border in return for admitting hundreds of thousands, and ultimately millions, of people they see as inclined to vote for them. As Mark Steyn famously labeled them: 'undocumented Democrats.'

Joe Scarborough accusing the Biden administration of a 'luring' people to the border was sponsored in part by Liberty Mutual and Safelite.

Joe Scarborough Twitter Russia

Here's the transcript. Click 'expand' to read more.

Morning Joe
6:05 am EDT

KELLY O'DONNELL: Now that the public is seeing some of the images, because the congressional delegation provided some photos and descriptions about what they witnessed: children were frightened and crying, overcrowded conditions. Now that the public has seen that, is that not a crisis and what conditions or situation — what metrics would have to be in place for the administration to call it that?

JEN PSAKI: Well, children presenting at our border who are fleeing violence, who are fleeing prosecution, who are fleeing terrible situations, is not a crisis. Our alternative is to send children back on this treacherous journey. That is not, in our view, the right choice to make.

JOE SCARBOROUGH: Well, again, I just have to say one more time, like we said yesterday, those children made the journey in the first place because the United States of America now is sending a message to those children: if you journey across the desert, you make a long and dangerous trip, we’re going to let you in. And we’re going to let you in if you’re unaccompanied. And sometimes, and we’re going to find this out throughout the show, you can come in and we’re not going to even give you a court date.

So the administration right now, the Biden administration right now, is the one that’s luring these children to the border with the promise of being able to get in. So they can’t say, oh, they’ve come all the way across the desert. We can’t just let them go back across the desert. No, you can figure out a way, a humane way, a safe way, to transport them back home, I suspect. But, again, as long as you keep sending ---

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: But they’re sending a different message now.

SCARBOROUGH: Nope. Not yesterday. Oh, no, if they’re up here, we’re not going to send them back, we’re just going to keep them there. And they’re also letting families that go and — that come across illegally, they’re letting families just dissolve into the country and not have a court date, not have a date to come back.

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As long as you have a permissive immigration policy, you’re going to have a crisis at the border . . . because more children are going to keep coming, until you tell them, no, you can't, we’re not going to let you in. Ubuntu usb com port.

MIKA: But you do understand they are saying that now. They’re sending ads

SCARBOROUGH: No they're not. They’re saying, don’t come, but they’re still not saying, we’re not going to let unaccompanied minors in the United States, which is what they’re going to have to say. And when they say that and that message is clearly sent, then unaccompanied minors will stop crowding the border in the numbers that they’re crowding. That’s one thing.

Also, there’s an issue of fairness here that nobody talks about and I am not really sure why nobody ever talks about this, but I’m just going to say it. Yes!

When I was in Congress --

MIKA: Ugh.

SCARBOROUGH: I had people who were family members who were desperately trying to get a husband or a wife over from Pakistan, or from India, or from Belgium. I don’t know. From all over the world.

And it would take years. And they would go through this process that was just soul-crushing. And most of the time, they couldn’t get in. And we have a policy that just allows people to come in illegally. It’s not fair. It’s not safe to the children. And the Biden administration has to understand: if they’re going to continue this policy, there aren’t enough hotel rooms in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California to hold all of the migrants that are going to be coming.

January 6 — a day forecast by Trump to be a big one for weeks on Twitter — turned out to be a real sh*tshow. The Capitol Hill siege (which began as Mitch McConnell publicly stood up to Trump while Electoral College votes were counted) by a pro-Trump mob, who met little if no opposition by Capitol Hill police on their way into the very building where the Senate and House convened. And on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, co-host Joe Scarborough unloaded an impassioned, 7-minute rant that’s an essential listen after the deadly violence that had been incited by Trump earlier that day at a rally (and, arguably, ever since his “American Carnage” inaugural speech).

It’s quite a segment from Scarborough. At around the 5:00 mark in the above video, Scarborough’s fury hit its peak with an F-bomb and a shout directed toward Capitol Hill cops: “You opened the f*cking doors for ’em!”

Joe Scarborough Twitter Account

Joe Scarborough went off on Capitol police live on MSNBC: “You opened the fucking doors for em!”

— philip lewis (@Phil_Lewis_) January 7, 2021

Mika Brzezinski Leaving Morning Joe

The host spoke about his time working in D.C. on or near the insurrection site. He cited the massive amounts of security that he personally encountered, and he raged at how they were welcomed into the building and even took selfies with some cops. And Scarborough isn’t afraid to point out the obvious here. “If these insurrectionists were black, they would have been shot in the face,” Scarborough pointed out. “And my god, if these insurrectionists were Muslim they would have been sniped from the top of buildings.” Then he got even more real:

“So I want to know from the Capitol Hill police — what, is it just white people? Or is it Donald Trump supporters? Why do you scream at people for walking across the street three blocks away from the Capitol? Why are you known as these badasses around the Capitol? But then Trump supporters come in and you open the f*cking doors for them. You open the doors for them and let them breach the people’s house. What is wrong with you?”

Joe Scarborough Twitter Account

Joe Scarborough Twitter

However, Scarborough had “no questions” for the president. “He should be arrested today, he should be sent to jail today for insurrection against the United States of America,” the co-host continued. He also demanded the arrest of Don Jr. (for his incendiary behavior and speeches at rallies) and Rudy Giuliani, who’s been orchestrating the Legal Strike Force charade for nearly two months and was busted calling the wrong senator in an attempt to slow down the Senate’s voting session on Wednesday.

Joe Scarborough Mika Brzezinski Twitter

Ultimately, though, Scarborough directed most of his fury at the Capitol Hill cops, who he saw “patting terrorists on the back” after they busted up windows and scaled walls, only to be welcomed by smiling officers who were “politely opening doors” to the mob. “There has to be an investigation,” he argued. “How many of these Capitol Hill cops are members of Donald Trump’s cult? How many? How many allowed this to happen? And I do want to know, where the hell were the D.C. police?” All very fair questions.