Phpstorm Jquery

  • Live Templates for PhpStorm (jQuery, PHP.). Contribute to WPRiders/PhpStormLiveTemplates development by creating an account on GitHub.
  • PhpStorm has a wealth of various language plugins. I, for one, make heavy use of the Dart plugin for PhpStorm. This isn’t the type of plugin I’d like to talk about, though – there’s a.
  • Welcome to Mastering PhpStorm, a video course for the state-of-the-art PHP developer who wants to work efficient and successful in a beautiful IDE. This is the best way to learn and master PhpStorm.
Tips & Tricks

Webstorm开发小程序 webstorm默认是不提示jQuery的 想要webstorm提示.

Hi JavaScript devs!

There’s no doubt that everyone is using one or another library to access/manipulate the DOM, and jQuery is currently the most popular one. And WebStorm has lots of small but really neat features to help you coding. Let’s quickly get a feeling of what we have.

1. Selecting DOM elements

Intellij webstorm

The first thing you usually do is selecting some DOM element(s), right? WebStorm will help you with completion for the most used selector types, such as elements ID-s:

or CSS classes:

Sure you can use more complex selectors, which are also supported, like mixed matching:

or parent-child selectors.


Or you can switch to “chained calls” style – no problem!

Since most of jQuery selectors follow CSS selectors syntax, WebStorm will support you writing any valid CSS fragment, providing live code checking and completion.

Side note: if you’re using Dojo toolkit or prototype.js library you will get the same functionality for selecting DOM elements.


2. Element manipulation

Once selected, you may want to check or tweak elements styles using jQuery’s neat hasClass/addClass/removeClass/toggleClass helpers. Needless to say, our IDE will remind you all the jQuery functions names with the bold highlight:

then give an insight on method parameters:

Great! Now WebStorm can help you with the CSS classes themselves:

By the way, you can instantly have all the official docs for any jQuery function in context just by using External documentation action (Shift+F1):

In WebStorm, there are tons of helpful features packed: navigating through the code and inspecting it, checking for errors and potential problems, code refactorings etc. etc. Just keep following this blog as we will show you lot more cool stuff soon!

All the features are available in the latest WebStorm and PhpStorm EAP builds and in all the other products based on IntelliJ IDEA platform.

Need for speed underground 2 apk for pc. As usual: feel free to report any problems that you have in bug tracker. We will instantly answer all your questions at the forum.


Happy coding!
JetBrains Web IDE Team

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What is PhpStorm & WebStorm?

PhpStorm & WebStorm are IDEs (Integrated Development Environment) built on top of JetBrains IntelliJ platform and narrowed for web development.

Which IDE do I need?

PhpStorm is designed to cover all needs of PHP developer including full JavaScript, CSS and HTML support.
WebStorm is for hardcore JavaScript developers. It includes features PHP developer normally doesn’t need like Node.JS or JSUnit. However corresponding plugins can be installed into PhpStorm for free.

How often new vesions are going to be released?

Preliminarily, WebStorm and PhpStorm major updates will be available twice in a year. Minor (bugfix) updates are issued periodically as required.

Will PhpStorm support XXXXX Framework/Technology? (PHP/JavaScript/anything else)

Please NOTE When its stated that IDEA platform supports LANGUAGE (be it JS, PHP, Ruby, Java etc.) it means that IDE features will work with ANY valid code in that particular language and maybe even across them. However, SOME advanced features (i.e more smart completion) MAY require special handling of particular library/framework (i.e approach used to emulate object inheritance in JS). Libraries that are known to require such ADVANCED support of fine-grained features are mentioned in roadmap. All other stuff expected to work as is.

Thus - please TRY to actually develop your project in PhpStorm and then provide us your feedback about your expectations, problems and feature requests.

Phpstorm Jquery Tutorial

Use issue tracker to search requests on your framework support, vote for it and track its progress (or submit a new one).

IntelliJ IDEA vs PhpStorm/WebStorm features

IntelliJ IDEA remains JetBrains' flagship product and IntelliJ IDEA 9+, provides full PHP support along with *all* other features of PhpStorm via bundled or downloadable plugins. The only thing missing is the simplified project setup.

Can't find <some declared feature>

It may be NOT DONE YET. Please check status on PhpStorm Development Roadmap (Deprecated) and try searching our Tracker

Will it be possible to use 3rd party editor like, for example, jVi?

We can't imagine why do you DON'T want to use our excellent editor with code analysis and refactoring, especially because IDEA platform has excellent VI plugin. However, IDE can live with external code changes.

Phpstorm Jquery Click Deprecated

Advanced support for specific text-based files i.e. makefile, etc

Search Tracker, vote/add request.

Other major language support (i.e. Python, Ruby)

Download Webstorm For Windows

Out of scope for PhpStorm/WebStorm. Please try other IntelliJ products RubyMine, PyCharm or IntelliJ IDEA + Python/Ruby plugin.

Analyzing/reporting performance problems.

Phpstorm Jquery Plugin

Please follow instructions