Retrospect Client


  1. Retrospect Client
  2. Retrospect Client Catalina
  3. Retrospect Client Windows 10
  4. Retrospect Client 16
  5. Retrospect Client Wrong Ip
  6. Retrospect Backup Software


  • Pros: Used Retrospect Disk to Disk for years, it's not expensive, it's never failed to restore when needed and if correctly set up it works perfectly.Just logged a tech support request (free) on the website and got a call from an engineer literally seconds later, he walked me through every step to correct my missing SSL in the client and sorted a few of my configs out (basically a free one to.
  • Retrospect Client Firewall Exception. You must punch a hole in your firewall otherwise your machine will not be backed up. You can configure this exception just for.

EMC Retrospect Client contains a buffer overflow. This vulnerability may allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on a vulnerable system.

Retrospect Backup for Windows Download - 170 MB: Retrospect Backup Client for Windows Download - 20 MB: Retrospect Backup Client for Mac


EMC Retrospect Backup and Recovery Software

EMC Retrospect is a is a backup and recovery application designed for small to medium sized networks. In a typical Retrospect setup, the EMC Retrospect Client software is installed on all of the computers that require backups. The clients are then configured to listen on port 497/tcp for commands from the EMC Retrospect Server. Note that the EMC Backup runs with SYSTEM privileges on Windows systems and root privileges on UNIX-based systems.
The Problem
There is a buffer overflow in the EMC Retrospect Client. The overflow can be triggered by sending a specially crafted packet to a system running a vulnerable version of the EMC Retrospect Client software.
Please refer to the EMC Retrospect Knowledgebase Article# 9511 for information on affected versions of the EMC Retrospect Client software.


Retrospect Client

If a remote attacker sends a specially crafted packet to an EMC Retrospect Client installation, that attacker may be able to execute arbitrary code with elevated privileges.


Upgrade to a patched version of the EMC Retrospect Client. A list of fixed EMC Retrospect Clients is available in EMC Retrospect Knowledgebase Article# 9511.

In addition, the following workaround may mitigate this vulnerability.

Restrict access

You may wish to block access to the vulnerable software from outside your network perimeter, specifically by blocking access to the port used by EMC Retrospect Client (497/tcp). This will limit your exposure to attacks. However, blocking at the network perimeter would still allow attackers within the perimeter of your network to exploit the vulnerability. The use of host-based firewalls in addition to network-based firewalls can help restrict access to specific hosts within the network. It is important to understand your network's configuration and service requirements before deciding what changes are appropriate.

Vendor Information

Retrospect Client Catalina

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EMC Software Affected

Notified: May 16, 2006 Updated: May 16, 2006




Vendor Statement

We have not received a statement from the vendor.

Vendor Information

The vendor has not provided us with any further information regarding this vulnerability.


Refer to

If you have feedback, comments, or additional information about this vulnerability, please send us email.

CVSS Metrics


Retrospect Client Windows 10



This issue was reported in EMC Retrospect Knowledgebase Article# 9511. EMC Insignia credits Nicolas Pouvesle from Tenable Software and Stanka ᘊlamun from Acros Security with providing information regarding this issue.

Retrospect Client 16

This document was written by Jeff Gennari.

Other Information

CVE IDs:CVE-2006-2391
Severity Metric:17.56
Date Public:2006-05-11
Date First Published:2006-05-16
Date Last Updated: 2006-05-16 18:16 UTC
Document Revision: 58
The most obvious difference between 4.x and 5.x, assuming you're running the Server in Mac OS X, is the Aqua interface!
If you're running the Server in Mac OS 9, the interface is virtually indistinguishable from 4.x, apart from a trippy pseudo-OS X background image...
Most of the funtionality updates/changes are under the hood. Below are just a few of the more notable updates - click here for a complete list.

Retrospect Client Wrong Ip

Retrospect Backup Software

  • Retrospect Server will back up more than one Macintosh server operating system (Mac OS X Server or AppleShare IP Server).
  • You can now add clients by direct IP address or subnet broadcast.
  • Supports UNIX ownership and permissions and UNIX-specific data. When booted into OS X for local backups, or when backing up a client that is booted into OS X, all permissions will be correctly backed up. This also includes recognizing symbolic links and physical links, full character set for file names, and preservation of all permissions and privileges.
  • Introduces 'Live Restore' for Mac OS X systems. Install a base Mac OS X system, install Retrospect and then perform your restore. Your base operating system must be the same exact version that you will try to restore.
  • Scripts can automatically launch Retrospect when no user is logged in to a Mac OS X machine.
  • Files larger than 2 gigabytes in size may now be backed up.
  • Files and folders with long names (longer than 31 characters) are now backed up.
  • Supports new backup devices, including DVD-R, DVD-RW, and Apple's SuperDrive.